This article is both an interesting and funny read. “For many Democrats, the driving question about running seems not to be “why?” but “why not?” ”

WASHINGTON — Look, there’s a Maryland congressman at the Iowa State Fair just being a “normal person enjoying the fair with my family.” And there’s the mayor of Los Angeles stumping for a candidate in what just happens to be Manchester, New Hampshire. Oh, and over there, a billionaire former reality TV star (sound familiar?) is beating the president in polls.

Just six months after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, and more than two years out from the first 2020 presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, every Democrat seems to think he or she could be the next president.

“The old saw that every senator wakes up humming ‘Hail to the Chief’ now includes just about any Democrat who isn’t a convicted felon,” quipped Jonathan Tasini, a progressive activist.

Click to continue. By NBC News, Alex Seitz-Wald, Aug. 28, 2017.